3. Configuration
The ZT 4807 includes several options that tailor the operation of the board to requirements
of specific applications. Some options are configured with a switch or by cuttable traces.
Configure a switch option by closing or opening a DIP switch. Configure a cuttable trace
option by installing or removing a surface mount 0 Ω resistor.
ZT 4807 Switch Options and Locations
The ZT 4807 includes one bank of switches (SW4) located on the component side of the
board. See the “
Switch and Cuttable Trace Locations” figure for the location of the SW4.
SW1 is incorporated into the lower board ejector mechanism. SW2 and SW3 are push-
button switches located on the connector plate. See the “
ZT 4807 Connector Plate” figure in
Chapter 1 for the location of the SW2 and SW3.
Switch Descriptions
The following topics list the switches in numerical order and provide a detailed description
of each switch. Note that where switches are referenced in this Chapter, “SWx”
corresponds to the switch number and “-N” corresponds to the switch segment (for
example, SW2-1 means “switch number 2, segment 1”).
SW1 (Hot Swap Ejector)
The lower ejector incorporates an ejector switch, connected to the processor board’s
Baseboard Management Controller. This switch is used to notify the processor board of the
necessity to shut down so the ZT 4807 can be removed.
SW2 (Reset)
SW2 is a push-button on the ZT 4807's connector plate. See the “ZT 4807 Connector Plate”
figure in Chapter 1 for the location of the SW2. When pressed, SW2 issues a reset to the
host processor board. See the host processor board manual for a detailed description of the
reset feature.
SW3 is a push-button on the ZT 4807's connector plate. See the “ZT 4807 Connector Plate”
figure in Chapter 1 for the location of the SW3. When pressed, SW2 issues a non-maskable
interrupt to the host processor board. See the host processor board manual for a detailed
description of the reset feature.