148 Intel Blade Server Fibre Channel Switch Module SBCEFCSW / FC Expansion Card SBFCM Guide
Management module error messages
See Chapter 6, “SBCEFCSW / SBFCM Parts listing,” on page 153 to determine which components
should be replaced by a field service technician.
Message Action
Application posted alert to ASM The alert button on the web interface was tested. Information only.
Take action as required.
System log 75% full Information only. Take action as required.
System log full Information only. Take action as required.
Management module network
initialization complete
Information only. Take action as required.
Remote login successful. Login ID Information only. Take action as required.
ASM reset was caused by restoring
default values
The management module assembly was reset after restoring the
default settings. Information only. Take action as required.
ASM reset was initiated by the user Information only. Take action as required.
Pushbutton reset activated: Ethernet
configuration reset to default values and
MM ASM reset due to watchdog timeout
1. Reseat the management module.
2. Reflash the management module firmware.
3. Replace the management module.
ASM reset due to XXXXX, instruction
1. Reseat the management module.
2. Reflash the management module firmware.
3. Replace the management module.
ASM reset reason unknown Information only.
Possible ASM reset occurred reason
Information only.
Remote access attempt failed. Invalid
userid or password received. User is
XXX from CMD mode client at
Failed attempt to log into the management module.
Remote access attempt failed. Invalid
userid or password received. User is
XXX from WEB browser
Failed attempt to log into the management module.
DHCP [X] failure, no IP @ assigned
(retry X), rc=X
Failed to get IP address by DHCP server. Check the DHCP server
connection and settings.
LAN: Command mode tamper triggered.
Possible break in attempt.
Unsuccessful attempt to access the management module in
command mode. Information only. Take action as required.
LAN: WEB server tamper delay
triggered. Possible break in attempt.
Unsuccessful attempt to access the management module in
command mode. Information only. Take action as required.
System log cleared. Information only. Take action as required.