8-16 PXA250 and PXA210 Applications Processors Design Guide
Power and Clocking
Table 8-12. Variable Latency I/O Interface AC Specifications (3.3 V)
Symbol Description
MEMCLK Frequency (MHz)
99.5 118.0 132.7 147.5 165.9
Variable Latency IO Interface (VLIO) (Asynchronous)
tvlioAS MA(25:0) setup to nCS asserted 10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
tvlioASRW MA(25:0) setup to nOE or nPWE asserted 10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
tvlioAH MA(25:0) hold after nOE or nPWE deasserted 10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
tvlioCES nCS setup to nOE or nPWE asserted 20 ns 17 ns 15 ns 13.6 ns 12 ns 2
tvlioCEH nCS hold after nOE or nPWE deasserted 10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
tvlioDSW MD(31:0), DQM(3:0) write data setup to nPWE asserted 10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
MD(31:0), DQM(3:0) write data setup to nPWE
20 ns 17 ns 15 ns 13.6 ns 12 ns 2
tvlioDHW MD(31:0), DQM(3:0) hold after nPWE deasserted 10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
tvlioDHR MD(31:0) read data hold after nOE deasserted 0 ns 0 ns 0 ns 0 ns 0 ns —
tvlioRDYH RDY hold after nOE, nPWE deasserted 0 ns 0 ns 0 ns 0 ns 0 ns
nPWE, nOE high time between beats of write or read
20 ns 17 ns 15 ns 13.6 ns 12 ns 2
1. This number represents 1 MEMCLK period
2. This number represents 2 MEMCLK periods
Table 8-13. Card Interface (PCMCIA or Compact Flash) AC Specifications (3.3 V)
Symbol Description
MEMCLK Frequency (MHz)
99.5 118.0 132.7 147.5 165.9
Card Interface (PCMCIA or Compact Flash) (Asynchronous)
MA(25:0), nPREG, PSKTSEL, nPCE setup to nPWE,
nPOE, nPIOW, or nPIOR asserted
20 ns 17 ns 15 ns 13.6 ns 12 ns 1
MA(25:0), nPREG, PSKTSEL, nPCE hold after nPWE,
nPOE, nPIOW, or nPIOR deasserted
10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
MD(31:0) setup to nPWE, nPOE, nPIOW, or nPIOR
10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
MD(31:0) hold after nPWE, nPOE, nPIOW, or nPIOR
10 ns 8.5 ns 7.5 ns 6.8 ns 6 ns 1
tcardCMD nPWE, nPOE, nPIOW, or nPIOR command assertion 30 ns 25.5 ns 22.5 ns 20.4 ns 18 ns 1
1. These numbers are minimums. They can be much longer based on the programmable Card Interface timing registers.