Board Manual 57
IQ80321 I/O Processor Evaluation Platform
Hardware Reference Section
3.10.9 Detail Descriptions of Switches/Jumpers Switch S7E1- 2/3 S7E1-2: RST_MODE
RESET MODE is latched at the de-asserting edge of P_RST# and it determines when the 80321 is held
in reset until the Intel
XScale™ core Reset bit is cleared in the PCI Configuration and Status Register. S7E1-3: RETRY
RETRY is latched at the de-asserting edge of P_RST# and it determines when the Primary PCI
interface disable PCI configuration cycles by signaling a Retry until the Configuration Cycle Retry bit
is cleared in the PCI Configuration and Status Register. Operation Setting Summary Descriptions
Table 36. Switch S7E1- 2/3: General Descriptions
Switch Association Description Factory Default
S7E1-2 IOP RST_MODE: Sets IOP Reset-Mode operation. Off
S7E1-3 IOP RETRY: Sets IOP RETRY-Mode operation. Off
Table 37. Switch S7E1-2: RST_MODE: Settings and Operation Mode
S7E1-2 Operation Mode
Off 1 Pulled Up: Don't hold in reset (Default mode).
On 0 Pulled Down: Hold in reset.
Table 38. Switch S7E1-3: RETRY: Settings and Operation Mode
S7E1-3 Operation Mode
Off 1 Pulled Up: Retry enabled (Default mode).
On 0 Pulled Down: Configuration Cycles enabled.
Table 39. RST_MODE and RETRY Operation Setting Summary
RST_MODE RETRY Init Mode Primary PCI Interface
80321 I/O
0 0 Mode 0 Accepts Transactions Held in Reset
0 1 Mode 1 Retries all Config Transactions Held in Reset
1 0 Mode 2 Accepts Transactions Initializes
1 1 Mode 3 (default) Retries all Config Transactions Initializes