Vol. 3A 15-5
• Logical instructions AND, OR, XOR, and NOT.
• Decimal instructions DAA, DAS, AAA, AAS, AAM, and AAD.
• Stack instructions PUSH and POP (to general-purpose registers and segment registers).
• Type conversion instructions CWD, CDQ, CBW, and CWDE.
• Shift and rotate instructions SAL, SHL, SHR, SAR, ROL, ROR, RCL, and RCR.
• TEST instruction.
• Control instructions JMP, Jcc, CALL, RET, LOOP, LOOPE, and LOOPNE.
• Interrupt instructions INT n, INTO, and IRET.
• EFLAGS control instructions STC, CLC, CMC, CLD, STD, LAHF, SAHF, PUSHF, and
• I/O instructions IN, INS, OUT, and OUTS.
• Load effective address (LEA) instruction, and translate (XLATB) instruction.
• LOCK prefix.
• Repeat prefixes REP, REPE, REPZ, REPNE, and REPNZ.
• Processor halt (HLT) instruction.
• No operation (NOP) instruction.
The following instructions, added to later IA-32 processors (some in the Intel 286 processor and
the remainder in the Intel386 processor), can be executed in real-address mode, if backwards
compatibility to the Intel 8086 processor is not required.
• Move (MOV) instructions that operate on the control and debug registers.
• Load segment register instructions LSS, LFS, and LGS.
• Generalized multiply instructions and multiply immediate data.
• Shift and rotate by immediate counts.
• Stack instructions PUSHA, PUSHAD, POPA and POPAD, and PUSH immediate data.
• Move with sign extension instructions MOVSX and MOVZX.
• Long-displacement Jcc instructions.
• Exchange instructions CMPXCHG, CMPXCHG8B, and XADD.
• String instructions MOVS, CMPS, SCAS, LODS, and STOS.
• Bit test and bit scan instructions BT, BTS, BTR, BTC, BSF, and BSR; the byte-set-on
condition instruction SETcc; and the byte swap (BSWAP) instruction.
• Double shift instructions SHLD and SHRD.
• EFLAGS control instructions PUSHF and POPF.