Trusted Platform Module
Password Procedures
The Infineon Security Platform software allows users to configure passwords from 6 to 255
characters. A good password should consist of:
• At least one upper case letter (A to Z)
• At least one numerical character (0 to 9)
• At least one symbol character (!, @, &, etc.)
Examples: “I wear a Brown hat 2 worK @ least once-a-month” or “uJGFak&%)adf35a9m”
Avoid using names or dates that can be easily guessed such as: birthdays, anniversaries, family
member names, pet names, etc.
All passwords associated with the Infineon Security Platform software (Owner, Emergency
Recovery Token, and User passwords) and the Wave Systems EMBASSY Trust Suite are NOT
RECOVERABLE and cannot be reset without the original text. The system owner should
document all passwords and store them in a secured location (vault, safe deposit box, off-site
storage) and kept available for future use. These documents should be updated after any password
Emergency Recovery File Back Up Procedures
After completing the Infineon Security Platform Initialization Wizard, the Emergency Recovery
Token (SPEmRecToken.xml) must be moved
to removable media (floppy, CDR, flash media, etc).
Once this is done, the removable media should be stored in a secure location. DO NOT LEAVE
ANY COPIES of the Emergency Recovery Token on the hard drive or within any hard drive image
backups. If a copy of the Emergency Recovery Token remains on the system, it could be used to
compromise the Trusted Platform Module and platform.
After completing the Infineon Security Platform User Initialization Wizard, a copy of the
Emergency Recovery Archive (SPEmRecArchive.xml) should be copied to removable media and
stored in a secure location. This procedure should be repeated after any password changes or the
addition of a new user.
Hard Drive Image Backup Procedures
To allow for emergency recovery from a hard drive failure, frequent images of the hard drive
should be created and stored in a secure location. In the event of a hard drive failure, the latest
image can be restored to a new hard drive and access to the encrypted data can be re-established.
All encrypted and unencrypted data that was added after the last image was created will be lost.