Intel Desktop Board D850GB/D850GBAL Product Guide
I/O Map
Table 27. I/O Map
Address (hex) Size Description
0000 - 000F 16 bytes DMA controller
0020 - 0021 2 bytes Programmable Interrupt Control (PIC)
0040 - 0043 4 bytes System timer
0060 1 byte Keyboard controller byte—reset IRQ
0061 1 byte System speaker
0064 1 byte Keyboard controller, CMD/STAT byte
0070 - 0071 2 bytes System CMOS/Real-time clock
0072 - 0073 2 bytes CMOS bank 1
0080 - 0090 DMA controller
0094 - 009F DMA controller
00A0 - 00A1 2 bytes PIC
00B2 - 00B3 2 bytes APM control
00C0 - 00DE 31 bytes DMA
00F0 - 00FF Numeric data processor
0170 - 0177 8 bytes Secondary IDE channel
01F0 - 01F7 8 bytes Primary IDE channel
One of these ranges:
0200 - 0207
0208 - 020F
0210 - 0217
0218 - 021F
Can vary from 1 byte
to 8 bytes
Audio/game port
0220 - 022F 16 bytes Audio (Sound Blaster Pro
0240 - 024F 16 bytes Audio (Sound Blaster Pro-compatible)
0240 - 024F 16 bytes Audio (Sound Blaster-compatible)
0278 - 027F* 8 bytes LPT2
0228 - 022F* 8 bytes LPT3
02E8 - 02EF* 8 bytes COM4/Video (8514A)
02F8 - 02FF* 8 bytes COM2
One of these ranges:
0320 - 0327
0330 - 0337
0340 - 0347
0350 - 0357
8 bytes MPU-401 (MIDI)
0376 1 byte Secondary IDE channel command port