Chapter 5 Using the Command-Line Interface 91
The following rule sets up a parent proxy hierarchy consisting of the
appliance (which is the child) and two parents, p1 and p2. All get
requests, if they cannot be served by the appliance, are routed to the first
parent server, p1.x.com. If they are not in the first parent server, they are
routed to the second parent server, p2.y.com. Because
round_robin=true, the parent servers are queried in a round-robin
The following rule tells the appliance to route all requests containing the
regular expression politics and the path /viewpoint directly to the
origin server (bypassing any parent hierarchies).
Every rule must contain either a parent= or go_direct= directive.
▼ Deleting parent proxy caching rules
1 Select the config menu, and press Enter.
2 Select routing, and press Enter.
3 Select parent, and press Enter.
4 Select rules, and press Enter.
5 Select delete rules, and press Enter. Doing so displays a list of current rules.
If no rules exist, a message displays at the bottom of the screen indicating
6 Use the arrow keys to position the cursor over the rule you want to delete, and
press Enter.
7 Press CTRL-X to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
❚ true
Enter true if you want the appliance to go through
the parent proxy list in a round-robin.
❚ false
❚ true
Enter true if you want requests to bypass parent
hierarchies and go directly to the origin server.
❚ false
Enter false if you do not want requests to bypass
parent hierarchies.
Action Tag Allowed Value (Continued)
dest_domain=. method=get parent=”p1.x.com:8080; p2.y.com:8080” round_robin=true
url_regex=politics prefix=/viewpoint go_direct=true