
Site administrator (Intershop)—configures e-Commerce services for hosted
domains via Intershop's Web-based interface. This e-Commerce site
administrator will most likely be the same person as the server administrator
noted above.
Domain administrator—manages a virtual domain (Web site) located on the
appliance. Domain administrators can configure domain settings, manage user
accounts, set up mail services, and troubleshoot services for their domains—all
from the Web-based interface.
Domain administrators can also request resource upgrades and additional
domain services from the server administrator.
Site user—accesses hosted Web sites and uses the network and e-Commerce
services provided by the administrators. A user account can be created by the
server administrator or a domain administrator. Based on the domain's settings, a
user can transfer files using the FTP service, send and receive e-mail, enable
mail forwarding and auto-reply features, and publish personal Web pages.
Users can also change their personal account password. A user must request
additional disk space for Web pages, files, and e-mail messages by contacting
the site administrator.
Registering online
It's fast and easy to register your storefront appliance online at our registration
Promptly registering your appliance ensures that you will receive notification
regarding important product upgrades, as well as other information about exciting
new Intel products and offers available to you as a registered user.
Release notes
The following are release notes and known issues with the Intel
1300 Series Storefront Appliance at release time:
Duplicate account names
Duplicate account names can't exist on the same appliance, even if they reside in
different domains. If you attempt to name a user account with a name that exists
in another domain, the message "User accounts must use a unique name"
appears, and you'll need to choose a different name.