HMP Linux 1.2 Release Update, Rev 05 — September 2006 11
7. At this point, you have two options:
• Enter y if you already have obtained a license or want to use the verification
license supplied with the software. Follow the procedure for activating a license in
Section 2.4 of the Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux
Installation Guide.
• Enter n if you do not want to use the verification license or have not obtained the
license you want. After you have obtained a license, run config.sh (located in
/usr/dialogic/bin) and follow the procedure for activating a license in Section 2.4
of the Host Media Processing Software Release 1.2 for Linux Installation Guide.
Note:You must run
config.sh at least once after installing the software.
After the configuration has been completed, the following messages are displayed:
Configuration is now complete.
Before using the software, you must ensure that the Intel(R) Dialogic(R)
environment variables are set using the following action:
- Logout and login
The Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) system services will automatically
start every time the system is reboooted.
NOTE: To start and stop system services manually, use the dlstop and
dlstart scripts found in /usr/dialogic/bin.
Do you wish to run the HMP demo on your system [y/n] ?
Enter y to run the HMP Verification Demo. The system will then start the Intel Dialogic
services. After the Intel Dialogic services have been started, the HMP Verification Demo
will start automatically. After the demo has completed, the Intel Dialogic services will be
stopped and the following message should be displayed:
Installation of the Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) Host Media Processing Software 1.2
Redistributable Runtime for Linux was successful.
1.2.4 HMP Verification Demo
The HMP Verification Demo confirms the success of the HMP Software Service Update 1
installation by establishing a basic level of functionality after the installation has been
completed. The demo performs some sanity checks and then waits for a Voice Over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) call to be placed using an H.323 or SIP phone configured to use
G.711. After the connection is made, a message prompt is played to the calling party.
Note: The HMP Verification Demo can only be launched from the
/usr/dialogic/demos/verification_demo location. The demo will fail if launched from a
different directory.
Note: If you are using Microsoft* NetMeeting* with Windows* XP* to place a call, there may be
up to one minute delay from the time a call is placed until the prompt is played.
1.2.5 Environment Variables
The INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB environment variable (for example,
-L${INTEL_DIALOGIC_LIB} -lgc) should be used for linking to Intel HMP 1.2 Service