
Sensor I® Expert User Manual
at the low end is correct-the high end should follow. Model 40 should be
returned to an authorized Ingersoll-Rand Service Center for adjustment.
Battery Level Test Mode (Custom Mode #204)
The display value will be between 100 (fully charged) and zero (depleted).
EZ Angle Test Mode (Custom Mode #207)
1. If Custom Setup Mode #103 has been set for CW ("rit") tightenings, the
display should indicate a number between 95 and 105. Moving the
wrench in the CW direction should cause the number to increase. Moving
the wrench in the CCW direction should cause the number to decrease.
2. If custom Setup Mode #103 has been set for CCW tightenings ("-LEF"),
the display should indicate a value between 795 and 805. Moving the
wrench in the CW direction should cause the number to decrease.
Membrane Keypad Test Mode (Custom Mode #208)
Pressing any of the membrane keys should toggle an adjacent display
legend on and off.
Head Position Test (Models EVS125-, EVS250- and EVS400-, Cus-
tom Mode #208)
Index the head. Buzzer should sound when head is in either position off of
the center.
Buzzer and LED Test Mode (Custom Mode #209)
The LED's should flash on and off. Pressing any of the membrane keys should
cause the buzzer to sound.
Display/Serial Link Test Mode (Custom Mode #210)
1. All display segments should be lit except the "CYCLE" legend.