Problem: Color or text not being projected
You might need to adjust the brightness up or down until the
text is visible. Refer to “Brightness” on page 21 for more infor-
Problem: The screen resolution is not right
Make sure the computer’s video card is set for a resolution of
no greater than 1024x768.
Problem: Image isn’t centered on the screen
Move the projector to reposition the image.
Reposition the image using the software. Refer to “Horizontal
Position” on page 27 and “Vertical Position” on page 27.
Be sure the projector is at a 90 degree angle to the screen.
Problem: Only a blank screen displays
Verify that the cables are connected correctly. See page 7
through page 11 for connection procedures.
Verify that the proper input source is connected.
You might need to turn everything off and power up the
equipment again in the proper order. Refer to your com-
puter’s documentation to determine the correct order.
Make sure your laptop’s external video port is turned on. See
the “Portable and Laptop Activation Chart” on page 42 or
your computer’s manual for details.
Make sure your computer’s video board is installed and con-
figured correctly.
Make sure your computer has a compatible video board. The
projector isn’t CGA, EGA or SXGA compatible.
If you’re using Windows 98:
Open “My Computer” icon, the Control Panel folder and
then the Display icon.
Click the Settings tab.
Verify that the Desktop area is set to 1024x768 or less.