Using LitePort
LitePort displays a slide show of JPEG images stored on a USB flash drive
connected to the projector or a Presentation To Go presentation. This can eliminate
the need for a computer source. LitePort reads and displays files stored on a USB
flash drive in either JPEG or Presentation-to-Go format (PtG). LitePort ignores all
other file formats including PDF, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc. which are not
supported. (Note: Microsoft and others provide applications which convert
PowerPoint presentations into a series of JPEG files.)
Displaying JPEG images
Connect a USB flash drive to your computer and copy JPEG files from your
computer to the USB flash drive.
2 Turn on your projector if needed.
3 Remove the USB flash drive from your computer and plug it into the USB A
connector on the rear of the projector.
4 The projector will display the LitePort menu.
5 Click JPEG and navigate to the desired image using the arrow buttons on the
projector keypad or remote.
6 Click Select to display the desired image.
7 If multiple images exist in the same folder, the arrow buttons can be used to
navigate through the images in alpha-numeric order. NOTE: The arrow buttons
will not auto-scroll from the last image to the first image in the folder, nor will it
auto-scroll from the first image to the last image in the folder.
8 To stop displaying the LitePort image, click the Menu button.