You can select
Obtain IP address automatically
Use the following IP address
The default value is
The default value is
The default value is
Enter the values for your network
Enable or disable the DHCP server automatically, or disable it altogether.
The start IP address of DHCP Server.
The end IP address of DHCP Server.
Enter the values for your network
Enter the values for your network
Enter the values for your network
Wireless Setup
Wireless LAN:
“Enable” or “Disable” the Wireless LAN.
Type the device name.
SSID string, maximum length is 32 bytes. (No spaces)
You can set fixed channel or choose Auto. After powering on the LiteShow, choosing
“Auto” will scan all wireless channels and select one clear channel automatically.
Disable or select a wireless encryption preference (WEP/WPA/WPA2 64-bit or 128-
bit in ASCII or HEX string).
If Encryption is enabled, a key value must be set based on the selected encryption mode.