to install the included webcam application
On the main software installation screen, click 1. ArcSoft
MyLife notebook webcam
2008© LifeWorks Technology Group LLC.
iHome™ is a trademark of SDI Technologies Inc.
used under license.
Model # IH-W310NS/IH-W311NN/IH-W312NP/IH-W313NR
install driverArcSoft MediaImpression™
Select a setup language, then click 2. OK.
An 3. InstallShield Wizard dialog box displays. Click Next.
Click 4. Yes to accept the license agreement, then Next to
accept the default installation location.
A 5. Select Program Folder dialog box displays. Click
After the application has been installed, an 6. Associated
File Formats dialog box displays. Click Next.
An 7. InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box displays.
Click Finish.
The main software installation screen displays again. Click
exit. When the USB PC Camera Setup Complete dialog
box displays, choose to restart your computer now and click