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v IBM Self Checkout Solution 4845 Operations Guide Models 131, 151, 152, 153,
and 171, GA27-4341 (for software releases prior to Version 5 Release 2)
v IBM Self Checkout Solution 4845 Operations Guide Models 131, 151, 152, 153,
and 171, with Version 5 Release 2 Software, GC30-9734
v IBM Self Checkout 4845 Operations Guide Models 6xx, 8xx, and BW3 with IBM
Checkout Environment for Consumer-Service Version 6, GC30-9729
A Start of right-hand lane.
B Rear side (or left side relative to the transaction flow) of right-hand lane.
The emitters are on the left side of the conveyor.
C End of right-hand lane.
D Front (customer side or right side relative to the transaction flow) of
right-hand lane. The detectors are on the right side of the conveyor.
E End of left-hand lane.
F Rear side (or right side relative to the transaction flow) of left-hand lane.
The detectors are on the right side of the conveyor.
G Start of left-hand lane.
H Front (customer side or left side relative to the transaction flow) of left-hand
lane. The emitters are on the left side of the conveyor.
Figure 1. Right-Hand and Left-Hand Lanes
Updated October 16, 2007
vi Self Checkout 4845: Parts Manual Models 131, 15x, 171, 6xx, 8xx, and BW3