Locationof shippingspacer .,_tters Dep i Gauge
Bar Clamp/ /_
t0 0
Bar Clamp Nuts
Drive Links
Bar Tool
• An adjusting pin and screw is used to ad-
just the tension of the chain. It is very im-
portant when assembling the bar, that the
pin located on the adjusting screw aligns
intoa hole in the bar. Turningthe screw will
move the adjustment pin up and down the
screw. Locate this adjustment before you
begin mounting the bar onto the saw. See
Inside view of
Chain Brake
Adjustment located on Bar Clamp
• Turn the adjusting screw counterclock-
wise to move the adjusting pin almost as
far as it will go to the rear. This should allow
the pin to be near the correct position. Fur-
ther adjustment may be necessary as you
mount the bar.
• Mountthe baras illustrated.
Mount the Bar
• Slide guide bar behind clutch drum until
guide bar stops against clutch drumn
• Carefully remove the chain from the pack-
age. Hold chain with the drive links as
Tip of
Place chain onto the sprocket
• Placechainoverand behind clutch, fitting
the drive links in the clutch drum sprocket.
• Fit bottom ofdrivelinks betweentheteeth
in the sprocket in the nose of the guide bar.
• Fit chain drive links into bar groove.
• Pull guide bar forward until chain is snug in
guide bar groove. Ensure all drive links
are in the bar groove.
• Now, install chain brake making sure the
adjusting pin is positioned in the lower hole
in the guide bar. Remember this pin
moves the bar forward and backward as
the screw is turned.
• Install chain brake nuts and finger tighten
only. Once the chain is tensioned, you will
need to tighten chain brake nuts.
CHAIN TENSION (Including units with
chain already installed)
NOTE: When adjusting chain tension,
make sure the bar nuts are finger tight only.
Attemptingto tensionthe chain when the bar
nuts are tight can cause damage.
Checking the tension:
Use the screwdriver end of the combination
screwdriver/wrench tool to move the chain
around the bar. If the chain does not rotate, it
is too tight. Iftoo loose, the chain will sag be-
low the bar.
Chain Adjustment
Chain Brake Nuts Tool (Bar Tool)
Adjusting the tension:
Chain tension is very important. Chain
stretches during use. This is especially true
during the first few times you use your saw.
Always check chain tension each time you
use and refuel your saw.
You can adjust the chain tension by loosening
the bar clamp nuts and turning the adjusting
screw 1/4 of a tum while IAing up on the bar.
• If chain is too tight, turn adjusting
screw 1/4 turn counterclockwise.