
No calls possible Dialling error. Use full national area code.
All calls barred. Check (barring code needed to clear).
New SIM card fitted. Check for new restrictions.
Charge limit reached. Call your service provider or use PIN2 to re-
Certain calls not possible Call restriction set. Restrictions may be set by your service
provider. Check restrictions.
Number is too long. Check number.
Calls are dropped Make sure no obstruction is blocking the satellite signal. Make
sure that your mobile phone has a clear view of the sky. If you
are inside a building, tunnel, or other structure that limits your
view of the sky, the satellite signal may be weak or unavailable.
Mobile phone does not
ring when a call comes in
Check that the mobile phone is set to ring.
Interference from other
satellite mobile phones
If you are near another satellite mobile phone not designed for
the Thuraya system, switch the other satellite mobile phone off
or move as far away as possible to avoid interference. In some
situations, the distance required to prevent interference may be
up to 200 metres. If you see the direction in which the other sat-
ellite mobile phone is transmitting, move out of the communica-
tion path. On ships, move as far away as possible from the ship’s
satellite antenna.
System busy Check that the antenna is properly positioned. The satellite mo-
bile phone requires the antenna to be fully extended.
Make sure that your mobile phone has a clear view of the sky. If
you are inside a building, tunnel, or other structure that limits
your view of the sky, the satellite signal may be weak or unavail-
People experience delays
when calling me
When someone calls you at your mobile phone number, there
may be a delay of up to 60 seconds while the system locates your
mobile phone.
No network connection Weak signal. Move higher, to a window or open space.
Outside GSM/SAT coverage area. Check service provider’s net-
work coverage.
SIM card not valid. Call your service provider.
New network not authorized. Try selecting manually, or try other
Mobile phone loses
Weak signal. Reconnection or connection to another service pro-
vider is automatic. Switching off and on may accelerate this.
Problem Possible reasons/Possible measures