36 Using Phone Features
To mute a call
Click Mute during a call, so that you can hear the caller but the caller cannot
hear you. When the microphone is turned off, the mute icon
( ) appears on the screen. Click Unmute to turn on the microphone again.
2.5 Additional Dialing Information
Make an emergency call
• Enter the appropriate emergency number for your region and press
Tip Additional emergency numbers may be included in your SIM card. Contact
your service provider for details.
Make an international call
1. Press and hold the 0 key on the keypad until the sign appears. The
sign replaces the 00 in the international prefix of the country that
you are calling.
2. Enter the full phone number and press TALK. The full phone number
includes country code, area code (without the leading zero, if any)
and phone number.
Insert a pause in a dialing sequence
Some international calls require a pause in the dialing sequence in order for
the calls to process successfully.
1. On the Home screen, click Start > Contacts.
2. Select the contact entry that contains the phone number into which
you want to insert a pause and press ENTER to open the contact card.
3. Select the desired phone number and click Menu > Edit.
4. Position the cursor on the phone number where you want to insert
a pause, then click
Menu > Insert Pause. The letter “p” will appear
in the number to indicate where the pause will occur in the dialing
5. Click Done.