Contents 7
NOUG-2.1-update1-105 Nexus One User’s Guide
Changing Browser settings 217
Page content settings 217
Privacy settings 218
Security settings 219
Advanced settings 219
Maps 221
Opening Maps and viewing your location 222
Obtaining details about a location 224
Starring a location 226
Changing map layers 228
Searching for locations and places 230
Getting directions 231
Navigating with spoken, turn-by-turn directions 233
Finding your friends with Google Latitude 238
Camera 241
Opening Camera and taking pictures 242
Reviewing your pictures 245
Reviewing your videos 246
Changing Camera settings 247
Camera settings 247
Camcorder settings 248
Gallery 249
Opening Gallery and viewing your albums 250
Working with albums 252
Working with pictures 256
Working with videos 260
Goggles 263
Opening Goggles and searching with pictures 264
Working with your search history 266
YouTube 267
Opening YouTube and watching videos 268
Music 271
Transferring music files to your phone 272
Opening Music and working with your library 273
Playing music 275
Working with playlists 278