Using the compass
Should I turn left or right? By using the compass, the map adjusts depending on
where you’re facing so you know where to go.
Moving around the map
Swipe your finger on the screen to view other areas of the map.
Zooming in or out of a map
Do one of the following:
§ Spread your thumb and index finger across the map to zoom in.
§ Pinch your thumb and index finger on the map to zoom out.
§ Double-tap a location on the map to zoom in to that location.
Choosing which places of interest to show on the map
1. While viewing a map, press and then tap View (or More > View).
2. Choose the points of interest you want or don’t want to see when you’re
viewing a map.
You can also choose to show or not show footprints and 3D buildings on the map.
3. Tap Done.
Pinning a location on the map
Pin a favorite location on the map and add it as a footprint, get directions to it, or
share it with friends. Sharing is a great way to let your friends know about that little
place you found that has the best sandwiches in town.
1. While viewing a map, press and hold an area on the map that you want to pin.
2. Tap and then choose if you want to add the location as a footprint, get
directions to it, or share it.
To remove all the pins on the map, while viewing a map, press , and then tap
More > Clear pin.
110 Maps and location