178 Clock and Weather
Changing alarm sound settings
If you’ve set one or more alarms, you can change their settings such
as the alarm volume, how long to snooze the alarm, and more.
Press HOME and then tap the HTC Clock widget on the Home
Tap the Alarms tab.
On the Alarms screen, press MENU and then tap Settings. You
can change the following settings:
Alarm in silent mode
This option is selected by default, which allows the alarm to
sound even when your phones volume is set to silent mode. Clear
this check box if you want to silence the alarm when the volume
is in silent mode.
Alarm volume
Set the volume level that you want for the alarm.
Snooze duration
Set how long to snooze between alarms.
Side button behavior
Choose what happens to the alarm when pressing the side
button (VOLUME UP/DOWN) of your phone. You can set the
button to snooze, dismiss the alarm, or disable the button.
The side button works only when the phones screen is not
locked. While on the lock screen, tap the onscreen Snooze button
to snooze, or slide down the screen to dismiss the alarm.