92 3A. Sprint Service: The Basics
Using Call Guard
Your phone has two ways of alerting you when you are roaming off the Nationwide Sprint Network: the
onscreen roaming icon and Call Guard. Call Guard makes it easy to manage your roaming by requiring an
extra step before you can place or answer a roaming call. (This additional step is not required when you
make or receive calls while on the Nationwide Sprint Network.)
To turn Call Guard on or off:
ᮣ On the Phone: Roaming screen, scroll to Call Guard and select On or Off.
To place roaming calls with Call Guard on:
1. Press the
Talk key to display the Phone screen.
2. Enter
1, the area code, and then the seven-digit number. After entering the number, press the Talk key.
3. A pop-up message then appears, informing you that roaming rates will apply. Select
Dismiss to close
the message, and then press to place the call.
To answer incoming roaming calls with Call Guard on:
ᮣ When you have an incoming roaming call, the Phone screen alerts you with a message. Press the Talk
key if you want to accept the roaming call.
Using Data Roam Guard
Depending on service availability and roaming agreements, your phone may be able to access data
services while roaming on certain digital systems. You can use the
Data Roam Guard to alert you when you
are roaming off the Nationwide Sprint Network and try to use data services such as messaging.
To set your Data Roam Guard notification:
ⅷ Select Never ask and the Allow roaming check box to always allow data roaming without prior notification.
ⅷ Select Never ask and then clear the Allow roaming check box to always disable data roaming.
ⅷ Select Always ask to enable the Data Roam Guard to always display a confirmation message and alert
whenever your phone enters a roaming network.
ⅷ Select Default to enable data roaming internationally. The Data Roam Guard may display a confirmation
message and alert.
To use data services when Data Roam Guard is active:
When a notification message appears informing you that data roam charges may apply:
ⅷ Select Roam or OK to allow data roaming.
ⅷ Select Cancel if you don't want to allow data roaming.
Call Guard is turned off by default on your phone.
If the Call Guard feature is set to On, you may need to take extra steps to make and receive roaming calls.
If this is your first time using data roaming, the Data Roam Guard will display a second message, informing you
about how to change the notification setting.