
186 Experiencing Multimedia
Capture Mode menu
Mode. Switch between different capture modes such as Photo,
Video, Contacts Picture, and more. For more information about
these modes, see “Capture modes” earlier in this chapter.
Advanced menu
Tap the left/right icon in this bar to switch
between the menu pages in the Advanced
Alternatively, when using the NAVIGATION
Control buttons, press NAVIGATION
up/down to go to this bar. Then, press
NAVIGATION left/right to switch between
the menu pages.
Capture Format. Select the desired file format.
Shutter Sound. Choose whether or not you want the camera to make
a shutter sound when you press the ENTER or CAMERA button.
Shoot Option. The camera comes with an auto-focus feature
that is activated when the CAMERA or ENTER button is pressed.
Selecting Full Press requires you to press the CAMERA button all
the way to take the shot after auto-focus is set. Selecting Half Press
automatically takes the shot after auto-focus is set.
Note This option only applies to the CAMERA button. Pressing the ENTER
button automatically takes the shot.
Grid (Photo mode only). Choose whether or not to show a grid on
the Camera screen. Showing a grid helps you frame and center your
subject more easily and accurately.