Managing email messages
Deleting, moving, flagging, or marking several email messages
1. Tap .
2. To quickly select all email messages in a conversation, select the top one (the
one that shows the subject and number of messages).
Or to select individual email messages, tap their respective check boxes.
3. Choose what you want to do with the selected messages.
§ Tap to delete.
§ Tap to move them to another mail folder.
§ Tap and choose whether to flag or mark the messages as read or
You can also just tap on the far left of an email to select the email first. Check boxes
will then appear and you can select more email messages.
Deleting, moving, flagging, or marking one email
1. Press and hold a conversation or a single message.
2. On the options menu, choose what you want to do with the whole conversation
or the single message.
Switching to another mail folder
1. Tap > folders.
2. Tap show all folders to see all the available mail folders.
3. Tap the mail folder whose email messages you want to view.
Changing email account settings
1. On the Start screen, tap the email account that you want.
2. Tap > settings.
3. Tap sync settings to choose how often to download items or change the items
that you want to sync.
4. Choose if you want a signature to appear in your sent email.
5. Tap .
54 Email