THX9321/9421 Prestige
5080 Return Air Sensor Type B
5090 Terminals Wired to Discharge Air Sensor B
5100 Discharge Air Sensor Type B
5110 A-Coil Low Temperature Cutoff B
6000 Select the Dry Contacts in the System B
6010 Terminals Wired to Remote Setback Dry Contact C
6020 Remote Setback Dry Contact Setup C
6030 Remote Setback Time Delay C
6040 Remote Setback - Standby Cool Setpoint C
6040 Remote Setback - Standby Heat Setpoint C
6050 Terminals Wired to Full Drain Pan Alert
Dry Contact B
6060 Full Drain Pan Alert Dry Contact Setup B
6070 Terminals Wired to Dirty Filter Alert Dry Contact B
6080 Dirty Filter Alert Dry Contact Setup B
6090 Terminals Wired to Water Leak Alert Dry Contact B
6100 Water Leak Alert Dry Contact Setup B
6110 Terminals Wired to System Shutdown
Alert Dry Contact C
6120 System Shutdown Alert Dry Contact Setup C
6130 Terminals Wired to Service Needed
Alert Dry Contact B
6140 Service Needed Alert Dry Contact Setup B
6150 Terminals Wired to Fan Failure Alert Dry Contact C
6160 Fan Failure Alert Dry Contact Setup C
6170 Terminals Wired to Custom Alert Dry Contact B
6180 Custom Alert Dry Contact Setup B
6190, 6200 Custom Alert Name and Message B
7000 Filter Type B
7020 Number of Air Filters B
7110 Air Filter Replacement Reminder B
7110 Air Filter 2 Replacement Reminder B
7120 EAC Cell Cleaning Reminder B
7120 EAC Pre-Filter Cleaning Reminder B
7120 EAC Post-Filter Replacement Reminder B
8000 Humidifier Type B
8010 Indoor Sensor Used for Humidification Control B
8030 Terminals Wired to the Humidifier B
8050 Humidification - Window Protection B
8060 System Modes Allowing Humidification B
8070 Humidification Control B
8080 Humidifier Lockout B
8100 Clean Tank / Water Filter Replacement Reminder B
8100 Humidifier Pad Replacement Reminder B
9000 Dehumidification Equipment B
9010 Indoor Sensor Used for Dehumidification Control B
9020 Humidity Sensor Displayed on the Home Screen B
9040 Terminals Wired to Dehumidification Equipment B
9050 A/C with Low Speed Fan Setup B
9050 Hot Gas Bypass Setup C
9070 Dehumidification - Overcooling Limit R
9080 Dehumidification Control C
9090 Dehumidification Minimum On Time C
9100 High Humidity Comfort Reset Setting C
9110 Dehumidification High Limit Range Stop C
9120 System Modes Allowing Dehumidification B
9130 Dehumidifier Fan Control B
9140 Dehumidifier Lockout B
9180 Dehumidification Away Mode B
9190 Dehumidification Away Mode - Fan Control B
9200 Dehumidification Away Mode -
Low Limit Temperature B
9200 Dehumidification Away Mode -
Temperature Setting B
9200 Dehumidification Away Mode -
Dehumidification Setting B
9210 Dehumidifier Filter Replacement Reminder B
10000 Ventilation Type B
10020 Terminals Wired to Ventilator/Fresh Air Damper B
10050 Ventilation Control Method B
10060 Ventilation Fan Control B
10090 Number of Bedrooms R
10090 Size of House R
10100 Ventilation Level (CFM) R
10120 Ventilation Percent On Time B
10130 Ventilation Low Temperature Lockout B
10130 Ventilation High Temperature Lockout B
10130 Ventilation High Dewpoint Lockout B
10140 Lockout Ventilation on Hum/Dehum Calls B
10160 Ventilate on High Indoor Humidity B
10170 Ventilator Core Cleaning Reminder B
10170 Ventilator Filter Cleaning Reminder B
11000 Number of UV Devices B
11050 UV Bulb Replacement Reminder B
11050 UV Bulb 2 Replacement Reminder B
12000 Installer Custom Reminders B
13000 Heat Delta T Diagnostics B
13010 Cool Delta T Diagnostics B
13015 Set Advanced Delta T Diagnostic Options B
13020 Allow Delta T Diagnostics During Humidification B
13030 Allow Delta T Diagnostics During
Dehumidification B
13040 Allow Delta T Diagnostics During Ventilation B
13050-13080 Allow Heat Delta T Diagnostics:
Temp & Humidity B
13090-13120 Allow Backup Heat Delta T Diagnostics:
Temp & Humidity B
13130-13160 Allow Cool Delta T Diagnostics:
Temp & Humidity B
13170 Defrost Cycle B
13180 Delta T Fault Sensitivity B
13190 Display Delta T Alerts to Homeowner B
14000 Clock Format B
14010 Daylight Saving Time B
14020 Indoor Temperature Display Offset B
14020 Indoor Humidity Display Offset B
15000-15020 Dealer name, phone, email, website, message B
Installer options (ISU)
Thermostat functions marked in gray below require an EIM (see page 3).
ISU Function ISU Function
69-2490_B.indd 9 7/13/2011 1:41:53 PM