8000 Touchscreen Programmable Thermostat
19 68-0280—01
0650 Extended Fan OnTime
0—no extended fan operation after call for heat ends
90— fan operation is extended 90 seconds after call for
heat ends.
Not shown if fan operation
is set to fossil fuel or in
Cool Only Systems
0660 Extended Fan On Time
0—no extended fan operation after call for cool ends
90—fan operation is extended 90 seconds after call for
cool ends.
Not shown in Heat Only
0670 Keypad Lockout 0—unlocked keypad
1—partially locked keypad
2—fully locked keypad
Unlocked—all functions
are available.
Partially locked—only
temperature up and down
keys and ability to enter
and modify Installer Setup
mo de ar e av ai la bl e.
Fully locked—only ability
to enter and modify
Installer Setup mode are
0680 Temperature Control in
1—less aggressive temperature control (could cause
temperature undershoot)
2—Standard temperature control in heating (factory
3—more aggressive temperature control (could cause
temperature overshoot)
Applies to recovery ramp
and use of auxiliary heat
during recovery.
Choose 1 if getting
temperature overshoot.
Choose 3 if getting
temperature undershoot.
0690 Temperature Control in
1—less aggressive temperature control (could cause
temperature undershoot)
2—Standard temperature control in cooling
(factory setting)
3—more aggressive temperature control (could cause
temperature overshoot)
Applies to recovery ramp.
Choose 1 if getting
temperature overshoot.
Choose 3 if getting
temperature undershoot.
0700 Temperature Display
-3 —
F (-1.5
-2 —°F (-1°C)
-1 —°F (-.5°C)
0 —°F (0. °C) — (no difference in displayed temperature
and ac tua l roo m te mper atur e )
1 —°F (.5°C)
2 —°F (1°C
3 —°F (1.5°C)
0710 Reset Thermostat 0—no thermostat reset.
1—resets all Installer Setup Options to default values and
resets schedule to default setting.
Only calendar settings
and time are retained.
Table 3. Installer Setup Menu. (Continued)
Installer Setup
Number Installer Setup Name Settings Notes