5 63-4368
Network Variables—A class of variables defined in Neuron C
that allows communication over the L
network to
other nodes on the network. An output network variable in one
node can be bound to a corresponding input network
variable(s) in other node(s). Changing the value of the output
network variable in one node causes the new value to be
automatically communicated to the bound input network
variable(s) in other node(s). When an input network variable is
updated, a nv_update_occurs and the event is posted at the
receiving node(s) so that the application program can take
action based on the change. A network management node
(for example XL15A or XL15C) that explicitly reads and/or
writes the network variable can also poll network variables.
Network variables can contain one data field (one or two
bytes) or multiple data fields (a structure).
Neuron—Refers to the Echelon
semiconductor device which
implements the L
protocol on a network connected
device such as the T7350H Honeywell controller.
Node—A device implementing layers one through six of the
protocol including a Neuron
Chip, transceiver,
memory, and support hardware.
Notebook PC—Portable personal computer.
PDA—Personal Digital Assistant. In the case of the T7350
product this is a hand held electronic device operating with the
Palm OS. A Honeywell provided PDA application program is
used to configure the T7350 thermostat using a direct RS232
connection. Before purchasing a PDA, check the latest
Configuration software release note for a list of qualified PDA
models. Network connected T7350H models can be
configured without a PDA using L
Programmable Controller—A controller that has a variable
number of control loops of different types and is user
programmed to execute an application. The user can select
the number and type of control loops. The user also has the
capability of generating new types of control loops. Some
examples of Honeywell programmable controllers include the
XL15A and XL15B.
Recovery Mode or Recovery Period—The time in
unoccupied periods when the temperature control is adjusting
the control setpoint so that the space temperature reaches the
occupied setpoint when the schedule change occurs.
RIO—Excel 10 Remote Input/Output device.
RTC—Real Time Clock.
Schedule—The structure that defines the occupancy states
and the time of the changes between these states. In the case
of the T7350, schedules are organized around a eight day
weekly structure including an extra day for designated
holidays. Holidays are scheduled by yearly calendar events.
SGPU—Significant Event Notification and Guaranteed
Periodic Update.
SGPUC—Significant Event Notification and Guaranteed
Periodic Update with Change Field.
SLTA—Serial LonTalk
Adapter. Adapts the transformer
coupled LonTalk
messages to the RS-232 Serial Port.
SNVT—Standard Network Variable Type.
SCPT—Standard Configuration Parameter Type.
XL15A—W7760A Honeywell building level controller.
XL15B—W7760B Honeywell building level controller.
XL15C—W7760C Honeywell plant level controller.
Performance Specifications
The specifications given in this publication do not
include normal manufacturing tolerances. Therefore,
this unit might not exactly match listed specifications.
This product is tested and calibrated under closely
controlled conditions; minor performance differences
can be expected if those conditions are changed.
Models: See Table 4.
Dimensions: See Fig. 2.
Finish (color): Trident White.
Batteries: No batteries required.
Table 4. T7350 Thermostat Features.
All models are down-selectable and can be configured to control fewer stages than the maximum allowed.
Heat pump applications for these models have a maximum of two heat stages and two cool stages.
One extra stage (of either heat or cool) can be configured using the auxiliary relay.
Model Applications
Maximum Stages
Capability?Heat Cool
T7350H1009 Conventional
Heat Pump
3 (2)
3 (4)
Humidity, Occupancy,
Outdoor, Discharge Air Capability
T7350H1017 Modulating
2 modulating, 2
Humidity, Occupancy,
Outdoor, Discharge Air Capability,
4-20 mA output (2-10 Vdc with 500 ohm resistor)