55 69-2715ES—01
System setup
Function Settings & Options
Note: Depending on system settings, functions on this page might not appear.
Heating Fan
0 Gas or oil heat: Use this setting if you have a gas or oil heating system
(system controls fan operation).
1 Electric heat: Use this setting if you have an electric heating system
(thermostat controls fan operation).
Heat Pump
Changeover Valve
(for heat pumps
0 Cooling changeover valve: Use this setting if you connected a wire
labeled “O” to the O/B terminal.
1 Heating changeover valve: Use this setting if you connected a wire
labeled “B” to the O/B terminal.
Heating Cycle
5 Gas or oil furnace: Standard gas/oil furnace (less than 90% efficiency).
9 Electric furnace: Electric heating systems.
3 Hot water or high-efficiency furnace: Hot water system or gas furnace
(more than 90% efficiency).
1 Gas/oil steam or gravity system: Steam or gravity heat systems.
Heating Cycle
Rate Stage 2
How do I customize my heating/cooling system? (See page 51 for instructions.)