The DVR automatically adjusts for Daylight
Savings Time changes. When the hour “jumps
forward” no video is lost because an hour is
simply skipped. However when the hour “falls
back” there is a duplicated hour that under
normal circumstances would be recorded over.
The Honeywell Fusion DVR actually records
both hours and allows you to select which hour
to play if the need arises.
To access the “lost hour”:
1. From the Search screen, select the
Select Date button.
2. Select the date when Daylight Savings time “lost” an hour.
An option appears which says “Daylight Savings Time.”
3. To play back the “lost” hour, select the Daylight Savings option.
4. Select OK to confirm the date and begin playing the video using standard search
The Time Sync option synchronizes a single channel of video to playback in real time.
Ordinarily the video may playback slower or faster depending on several factors,
including how many PPS recorded and number of cameras playing at the same time.
In addition, the Time Sync option will be automatically enabled when an audio channel
is selected inside Search.
1. Select a single image to synchronize by double-clicking on an image.
2. Select a channel of audio (optional).
3. Press the Time Synch button. The video will now playback in real time.