Appendix C - Setpoint Ramp/Soak
Programming and Operation
12/03 DR4300 Circular Chart Recorder Product Manual 213
Soak segments
A soak segment is a combination of soak setpoint (value) and a soak duration (time).
• Soaks are even-numbered segments.
• Segment 2 will be the initial soak value and soak time.
• The soak setpoint range value must be within the setpoint high and low range limits in engineering
units. (Specify the setpoint range with SP HI and SP LO in the control group as described in Section
• Soak time is the duration of the soak and is determined in:
TIME - Hours:Minutes Range = 0-99 hrs:59 min.
• At the conclusion of program execution, the recorder will use the setpoint achieved during the last
soak segment.
Start segment number for each program
The start segment number designates the number of the first segment.
• Range = 1 to 23 (odd-numbered segments only)
End segment number for each program
The end segment number designates the number of the last segment, it must be a soak segment (even-
• Range = 2 to 24 (even-numbered segments only)
Guaranteed soak
A SOKDEV (soak deviation) parameter is provided. If its value is not zero, then soaking will be frozen for
each segment until the difference (plus or minus) between PV and SP is less than or equal to the value of
There are no guaranteed soaks whenever SOKDEV = 0. In this case, soak segments start timing soak
duration as soon as the soak setpoint is first reached, regardless of where the process variable remains
relative to the soak setpoint during the duration of the segment.
The decimal location corresponds to input 1 decimal selection.
Digital input (remote) operation
Program can be placed in RUN or HOLD state through a remote dry contact connected to optional digital
input terminals. The REMSW1 and REMSW2 parameters mus be configured to support this function. The
valid values for those parameters are:
• RUN—contact closure places program in RUN state, and lower display will flash “run n”
• HOLD—contact closure places program in HOLD state, and lower display will flash “hold”
Opening contact reverts to original state.