13 69-0816
• Do not check the heating system op-
eration by jumpering thermostat termi-
nals at the primary control. This will
damage the thermostat.
• To avoid possible compressor damage,
do not operate the cooling system if the
outside temperature is below 50° F
[10° C]. See compressor manufacturer’s
instructions for further information.
• During cold weather, some heat pumps
will require that the crankcase heater
be energized several hours before op-
erating the heat pump. Refer to the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Restore the power to the system.
Move the system switch to HEAT and the fan
switch to AUTO. Press WARMER key until the set-
ting is about 10° F [6° C] above room temperature.
Heating should start and the fan should run (there
may be a delay of 5-10 minutes before heat turns
on). Press COOLER key until the setting is about
10° F [6° C] below room temperature. The heating
equipment and fan should shut off.
During checkout, the backup heat will come
on immediately. During normal operation, the backup
heat will come on after a delay.
Backup (auxiliary) heat is more expensive to
operate than the heat pump and typically is used only
when the heat pump is unable to handle the load.
Move the system switch to EM. HEAT and the
fan switch to AUTO. Press WARMER key until the
setting is about 10° F [6° C] above room tempera-
ture. Heating should start and the fan should run.
Move the system switch to COOL and the fan
switch to AUTO. Press COOLER key until the set-
ting is about 10° F [6° C] below room temperature.
Cooling should start and the fan should run. Press
WARMER key until the setting is about 10° F [6° C]
above room temperature. The cooling equipment
and fan should shut off.