Associate Your Company Name
With The Honeywell Brand
• Giveyourcustomersthequalityandreliabilityofa
Honeywell thermostat
• LetcustomersknowwhotocallforfutureHVACneeds
• Uptothreefulllinesofpersonalization—imprinted
directly on the thermostat cover
• Lowminimumorderquantities—startingatjust48units
• Noannualvolumecommitments
• Fastestturn-timeintheindustry—imprintapprovalin5
days or less, all orders shipped in 10 days or less*
* Provided all program conditions are met.
Based on product availability.
Private Label Program
Program Details
InitialOrders 48Units ThroughWebsitecustomer.honeywell.com None
Re-Orders 24Units ThroughWebsitecustomer.honeywell.com None
Distributor Instructions
Before you begin creating a
private label, set up a unique
product part number(s) for your
customer in your system.
• Thepartnumber(s)thatyou
assign must be unique to each
customer and each product.
• Maximumof18charactersper
distributor part number. Part
numbers must be upper case
with no spaces. (For example:
• DonotuseHoneywellpart
number(s) for your customer
part numbers. We suggest
using a variation such as the
example above.
• Youmustuseyourdistributor
part number when ordering
private label units.
Web Setup
Free setup on all orders placed through customer.honeywell.com
Log on to customer.honeywell.comusingyourDistributorAccountNumberandpassword*and
click on the “Private Label Program” link in the right-hand column of the screen. Click on the
“Create New Label” link on the secondary menu bar at the top of the screen.
Step 1: Create a Label
Step 2: Part Number Setup
automatically populate).
set up and product is available to order.
Step 3: Place Your Order
from Honeywell that your label and part number(s) have been approved.
*Contact Honeywell customer care with any questions relating to logging on to customer.honeywell.com.
, CommercialPRO
, FocusPRO and PRO model families. Please refer to customer.honeywell.com for full OS numbers. Orders must
be placed in case quantities of 12. Re-order quantity is 24 units (must be the same part number). Private label orders are non-cancelable.
Any change in the label will be treated as a new label creation and the approval process must be followed in total. Coordination will be required for the transition, including purchasing
existing stock of customer parts. All private label requests must conform to the standards set by Honeywell. Honeywell reserves the right to deny any private label request as its own discretion.
By ordering private label products, you are agreeing to the terms stated in this program description. Honeywell reserves the right to change or cancel this program without notice.
Acme Heat & Cool