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Working with GPS
The Dolphin 6000 terminal contains an integrated GPS module that allows location tracking of workers and vehicles, providing
better utilization of field assets. Optional mapping and navigation software provides turn-by-turn driving directions and location
Assisted GPS Support
The operating system software supports assisted GPS mode, which usually requires installing a vendor-specific client on the
device that communicates with the GPS module.
Communication Ports
Selecting the Port
1. Tap > Settings -> System -> External GPS.
2. Tap the GPS program port box. A drop-down list opens.
3. In the GPS program port drop-down list, choose the COM or GPD port (the default is GPD1) as needed by the
4. Tap OK to save.
Baud Rate
• The default baud rate is 38400.
GPS Intermediate Driver
When the first user of GPD1 opens the port, the GPS Intermediate Driver opens port COM1. The GPS Intermediate Driver lets
multiple applications open GPD1, and GPS data is transmitted to all open ports.
Note: For more information about Microsoft’s GPS Intermediate Driver, refer to: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/