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TTL-232 Serial Port Connection
All communication parameters between the document reader and terminal must match for correct data
transfer through the serial port using RS-232 protocol. Scanning the RS-232 interface barcode pro-
grams the document reader for an RS-232 interface at 115,200 baud, parity–none, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit,
and adds a suffix of a CR LF.
Aligning the Document Reader Tray
Proper cable placement is important for accurate alignment of the device. Place the cable in the wire
channel if the imager will remain in the base most of the time. If you plan to frequently lift out the imager
to scan items, then set the cable in the location where it will rest while the imager is in the stand.
Note: The 4800dr will not capture any images until it has been properly aligned using the following
1. Loosen the screw in the base tray with a coin.
2. Place the alignment page on the tray. Align the upper left corner of the alignment page to the upper
left corner of the tray.
3. Make sure the serial number on the alignment page (the top number) matches the serial number on
your document reader.
4. Press the button on the imager to display the illuminated aimer crosshairs. You will hear a single
beep that indicates you are using the correct page.
(If you hear 3 beeps and the aimer turns off, then you have the wrong alignment page for your
document reader.)
5. Move the tray until the illuminated aimer crosshairs line up with the printed crosshairs on the
alignment page. (Be sure to wait until the crosshairs go off before removing power or attempting to
capture an image.)
6. Remove the alignment page and tighten the screw. Save the alignment page in the event that the
tray needs to be realigned in the future.
Note: If you need to print a new copy of the alignment page, make sure to print the page in landscape