Take the righting line from the rope bag. Attach it to the dolphin striker post under the front crossbar (photo).
Pass it under the trampoline through the grommet at the base of the mast. Fold up the end of the line and stow
it in the trampoline pocket at the base of the mast.
Attach the cunningham blocks (with the hooks) into the
grommet of the mainsail tack. Take the cunningham line
and feed as follows : (NB : the line must go through the in-
side of the rotation arm).
Start from the cunningha block ont the left side of the mast.
Feed the rope into the cleat around the sheave
- push the cord up through the first sheave of the left block
from back to front
- take the rope back down, thread it through the left sheave at
the base of the mast from front to back
- take it up through the second sheave of the left block from
back to front
- take it back down and through the single block,
- take it back up into the first sheave of the right hand block
from front to back
- take it back down through the sheave at the right of the mast
base from back to front
- take it up through the second sheave in the right block from
front to back
- finally thread the line through the cunningham block and in
the cleat.
Attach each end of the cunningham line to the shrouds.