Hobie Mirage Drive
Drive Installation/Removal
1. Insert the Hobie Mirage Drive into the
opening of the hull in front of the seat
location so it is facing forward. The front
of the Mirage Drive can be determined by
the location of the fin masts. The forward
edge is illustrated to the right.
2. As you drop the drive straight
down into the hole, it will automati-
cally lock into place when the spring
loaded cams snap over the steel
Mirage drum shaft. Pull up on the
drive when you think it is installed
just to make sure that the cams are
securely locked.
3. To remove the drive from the
kayak, flip back the locking cam on
both sides of the Mirage Drive and
pull the drive out.
Steel Masts
1. Locate the pedal that has a
number followed by the letter "R"
on the backside of the pedal. This
is the right pedal. Squeeze the
adjuster handle and slide the end
of the pedal crank into the slot on
the right drum.
2. Align the hole in the crank
so that you can slide the bolt all
the way through the outer part
of the drum and the crank. Use
the wrench provided with this kit
to thread in the bolt. Tighten the
bolt so that it is snug, but not so
tight that it prevent the crank from
moving back and forth to allow for
Drive Assembly
The Hobie Mirage Drives for the inflatable kayaks have the
pedal cranks removed from the drums and can be done in
the future for more compact packing. The following steps will
guide you in how to install the pedal cranks.
3. Follow this same procedure with the left pedal.