Ref : MP_WILDCAT_GB Issued by : Alban ROSSOLLIN Date : March 2010 Up-date : 0 Page 2/49
Copyright HCE 2010
Photo Pierrick Contin
Congratulations on the purchase of your new HOBIE CAT and welcome to the HOBIE sailing family.
Your Hobie Cat is a long life boat.
The Hobie Wild Cat is a F18 Catamaran and is destined to experienced sailors.
We offer this manual as a guide to increased safety and enjoyment of your new boat. The purpose of this
publication is to provide easy, simple and accurate instructions on how to get your Hobie ready for the water.
Please read them carefully and familiarize yourself with the boat and all of the parts spread before you.
Whether you are a new sailor or a veteran of many years, we recommend that you read this thoroughly
before your first sail and TRY IT OUR WAY FIRST! If you are new to sailing, this manual alone is not intended
to teach you how to sail. There are many excellent books, videos and courses on the safe handling of small
sailboats. We suggest that you contact your local sailboat dealer, college or Coast Guard Auxiliary for
Watch for overhead wires whenever you are rigging, launching, sailing or trailering with the mast up.
CONTACT OF THE MAST WITH POWER LINES COULD BE FATAL! Be certain that the rigging area and the area
that you will be sailing in are free of overhead power lines. Report any such power lines to your local power
authority and sail elsewhere.
We take pride in presenting this Hobie Cat to you and hope that you'll take as much pride in owning her.
Fair winds and good sailing!
Hobie Cat Europe
Welcome in the Hobie Wa
of Life !