Chapter 13 Troubleshooting
The following shows the range of the special internal output that is cleared when R7EC is set to “1.”
No. Bit special internal output No. Word special internal output
R7C8 Fatal error flag WRF000 Self-diagnostic error code
9 Microcomputer error 1 Syntax/assembler error details
A User memory error 2 I/O verify mismatch details
B (Undefined)
C Memory size over
D I/O verify mismatch
E (Undefined)
R7CF (Undefined)
R7D0 (Undefined)
1 Congestion error (normal scan)
2 Congestion error (periodical scan)
3 Congestion error (interrupt scan)
4 Syntax/assembler error
5 (Undefined)
6 (Undefined)
7 (Undefined)
8 (Undefined)
9 Battery error
A (Undefined)
R7DB Self-diagnostic error
When all of the special internal output data cannot be cleared during program execution, refer to the self-
diagnostic error code list and clear only the corresponding error flags by using forced set of the programmer
or peripheral unit.
If the internal output for a self-diagnostic error R7DB (WRF000) is used as a system error for the stop condition of CPU
RUN, the R7DB may be turned on even with an error of the warning level (battery error, etc.), causing the CPU to stop.
Therefore, do not use the internal output of the self-diagnostic error as a condition for stopping the CPU.