
Use the following table to locate pages for intelligent input material in this chapter.
Input Function Summary Table
Symbol Code Function Name Page
DISP 86 Display limitation
NO 255 No assign
Intelligent Outputs
Use the following table to locate pages for intelligent output material in this chapter.
Input Function Summary Table
Symbol Code Function Name Page
RUN 00 Run Signal
FA1 01 Frequency Arrival Type 1–Constant Speed
FA2 02 Frequency Arrival Type 2–Over frequency
OL 03 Overload Advance Notice Signal
OD 04 PID Deviation error signal
AL 05 Alarm Signal
FA3 06 Frequency Arrival Type 3–Set frequency
OTQ 07 Over/under Torque Threshold
UV 09 Undervoltage
TRQ 10 Torque Limited Signal
RNT 11 Run Time Expired
ONT 12 Power ON time Expired
THM 13 Thermal Warning
BRK 19 Brake Release Signal
BER 20 Brake Error Signal
ZS 21 Zero Hz Speed Detection Signal
DSE 22 Speed Deviation Excessive
POK 23 Positioning Completion
FA4 24 Frequency Arrival Type 4–Over frequency
FA5 25 Frequency Arrival Type 5–Set frequency
OL2 26 Overload Advance Notice Signal 2
ODc 27 Analog Voltage Input Disconnect Detection
OIDc 28 Analog Voltage Output Disconnect Detection
FBV 31 PID Second Stage Output
NDc 32 Network Disconnect Detection
LOG1~3 33~35 Logic Output Function 1~3
WAC 39 Capacitor Life Warning Signal
WAF 40 Cooling Fan Warning Signal
FR 41 Starting Contact Signal
OHF 42 Heat Sink Overheat Warning
LOC 43 Low load detection
MO1~3 44~46 General Output 1~3
IRDY 50 Inverter Ready Signal
FWR 51 Forward Operation
RVR 52 Reverse Operation
MJA 53 Major Failure Signal
WCO 54 Window Comparator for Analog Voltage Input
WCOI 55 Window Comparator for Analog Current Input
FREF 58 Frequency Command Source
REF 59 Run Command Source
SETM 60 2
Motor in operation
EDM 62 STO (Safe Torque Off) Performance Monitor
(Output terminal 11 only)
OP 63 Option control signal
no 255 Not used