When the DVD video camera/recorder is connected to PC:
Symptom Cause and Correction
The DVD video camera/recorder is not turned on.
Check the power supply.
Driver is not properly recognized.
Turn PCoffand on again.If thedrive iconstilldoes notappear, use
“Refresh driver” in Device Manager to reinstall the driver.
Turn PCoff andthendisconnectthe PCconnectioncable. Turn PC
video camera/recorder to PC.
Make sure thePC connection cableis completely pluggedinto this
DVD video camera/recorder.
If ayellow “!”mark isattachedto some device inWindows
Manager, uninstall the USB device driver, and then reinstall it,
following the procedure on page 135.
occurs while installing
USB driver inWindows
2000 Professional.
It is recommended that you install Windows
2000 Service Pack 3
or later.
Error occurs in playback
of DVD video camera/
recorder on PC.
It is recommended that you use a USB terminal conforming to
USB2.0 when connecting the DVD video camera/recorder.
Application is not
normally run on PC.
Turn the PC and DVD video camera/recorder off, and try again.
Some vibrations are felt
or slight sound is heard
from mechanism.
These vibrations or sound are caused by disc drive: This does not
indicate a fault.
Error occurs during
writing to DVD-R disc.
The temperature of DVD video camera/recorder is too high due to
continuous operation.
DisconnecttheDVD videocamera/recorderfromPC once,remove
the disc from the DVD video camera/recorder, and then turn it off.
Afterafew moments, connectthem againand writeto abrand-new
Transferofimagesstops. Connect the DVD video camera/recorder to another USBterminal
of PC.Ifyour PC is a desktop type,it is recommended thatyou use
USB terminalon theback ofPC. Ifyouare usingUSB2.0 extended
card, it is also recommended that you install the newest version
driver provided by each USB2.0 card maker.
DVD-RAM/R/RW drive
built into PC cannot be
used after the provided
software has been
This problemmay besolved ifthe software relatedto DVD-RAM/R/
RW of your PC is upgraded, or if the UDF driver is uninstalled.
However, with Windows
98 Second Edition / Me / 2000
Professional, uninstallingthe UDFdriver willmake itimpossible for
the JPEG stills recorded on DVD-RAM of this DVD video camera/
recorder to be read by the PC.
DVD-R disc cannot be
played back on DVD-
DVD-MovieAlbumSE does not support playback or data read on
DVD-R disc:Use generally available DVDvideo playback software
to play back DVD-R disc on PC.
Error appears when
starting DVD-
Make sure that your PC display adapter (video card) conforms to