Scene without control
info. Update control
• This message mayappear whena discedited on adevice other
thanthis DVD video camera/recorderis tobe used. Inthiscase,
recorder will make the disc playable and display the Disc
Navigation screen normally.
• Thismessage mayappear whena discis used onwhich scenes
with different recordingdates were combined onthis DVD video
camera/recorder. If you choose “YES”, the combined scene will
be divided and the DiscNavigation screen will appear normally.
If you choose “NO”, the combined scene will not be divided and
the Disc Navigation screen will appear normally: In this case,
however, this message will appear each time the DVD video
camera/recorder is turned on.
Scenes over limit.
Cannot add scene.
Thenumberofscenesenteredin playlisthasreachedthelimitthat
can be entered.
Delete several scenes.
117, 122
Scenes over limit.
Cannot divide scene.
The number of entered scenes has reached the limit that can be
Delete several scenes.
108, 117
Scenes over limit.
Cannot move scene.
This message will appear if you try to move a scene when the
number of scenes has already reached the registrable limit.
106, 117
Stop processing The button was pressed to stop processing of multiple scenes.
There was no scene
which can be deleted.
Navigation when all the selected scenes have been locked.
Release the lock on scenes before executing deletion.
101, 110
This card cannot be
Please replace card.
The card cannot beused in this DVDvideo camera/recorder: Use
another card. 25
This disc cannot be
used. Please replace
Adiscthatcannotbe usedon thisDVDvideo camera/recorderhas
been loaded. Check the type of disc. 23
This disc is recorded by
the PALsystem. Please
replace disc.
This DVD video camera/recorder can use only discs recorded on
the NTSC system. A disc recorded on the PAL system cannot be
used on this DVD video camera/recorder.
Top scene cannot be
Division is not possible at the start of scene.
UNFORMAT DISC The disc is not initialized or it is damaged.
If this message appears, be sure to initialize the disc on this DVD
video camera/recorder before using it.
Reinitializing evena discused onthis DVDvideo camera/recorder
may be necessary (initializing will erase all recorded contents on
disc). If this message appears, try to initialize the disc. If the same
See*2onpage155. 76
Use AC adapter/
powered by a battery: Use the AC adapter/charger for finalization.
40, 129
Message Cause & Troubleshooting