Preset Menu Display
Preset Name
Preset Empty
Preset Menu
The Preset Menu allows the user to select which preset from the FlashMic’s current
configuration file is to be used.
The FlashMic’s configuration file can have up to 9 presets. The configuration file is
loaded into the FlashMic from a computer, using the supplied FlashMic Manager
software. Each preset determines the value of various FlashMic parameters,
including recording level and mode, pre-record buffer duration and the file name.
(The file name will appear in the header of the audio files.) The parameters are all
defined within FlashMic Manager; see Configuration Files and Presets, page 27
for a full description.
To enter the Preset Menu, enter MENU mode by pressing the M/STOP button, and
then make one SHORT DOWN TURN of the jogswitch. The display will show PRESET.
Select this with a SHORT PRESS, and the name of the currently selected preset will
be displayed. To select a different preset, make SHORT UP or DOWN TURNs of the
jogswitch. The display will show the names of the alternative presets, as they were
defined in FlashMic Manager. When the name of the required preset is displayed, a
SHORT PRESS on the jogswitch will select it and load it into the FlashMic.
Note that not all 9 presets available in a configuration file need to be defined in
FlashMic Manager. Those not defined will be displayed as PSET N, where N is a
number between 1 and 9, as PSET N is the default preset name used in FlashMic
Manager. (However, note that PSET N will still be displayed for a preset that has
been defined if the default name is not altered!) If selection of an undefined preset
is attempted, the message EMPTY is displayed, indicating that this preset location
cannot be used.
Note that when the FlashMic is first used “out of the box”, all nine presets are