Superdome Firmware Instructions
NOTE: Reference to pa or ia denotes two firmware types: one for PARISC Processors (pa) and
one for Itanium Processors (ia). This is applicable for the sx1000, the sx2000, and the Legacy
Servers. The Legacy Servers will only have the PARISC Processors (pa) installed.
1. Create a c:\opt\firmware\sxX000\X.Xx directory.
Example 3-1 Directory Example
2. Copy the h_ipf_(pa or iA)_sxX000_X.Xx tar.gz file to the
c:\opt\firmware\sxX000\X.Xx directory.
3. Open a Cygwin window.
4. Enter the following command to move that bundle into the targeted directory:
cd c:\opt\firmware\sxX000\X.Xx
5. Enter the following command to un-compress the gzip file:
gunzip h_ipf_(pa or iA)_sxX000_X.Xx.tar.gz
6. Enter the following command to un-tar the tar files:
tar -xvf h_ipf_(pa or iA)_sxX000_X.Xx.tar
1. Create a /opt/firmware/sxX000/X.Xx directory.
Example 3-2 Directory Example
2. Copy the h_ipf_(pa or iA)_sxX000_X.Xx.tar.gz file to the
/opt/firmware/sxX000/X.Xx directory.
3. Change the directory to:
4. Enter the following command to un-compress the gzip file:
gunzip h_ipf_(pa or ia)_sxX000_X.Xx.tar.gz
5. Enter the following command to un-tar the tar file:
tar -xvf h_ipf_(pa or ia)_sxX000_X.Xx.tar
Configuring the Event Information Tools
There are three tools included in the Event Information Tools (EIT) bundle for the SMS. They
are the Console Logger, the IPMI Log Acquirer and the IPMI Event Viewer. These tools work
together to collect, interpret, and display system event messages on the SMS.
Configuring the Event Information Tools 95