Figure 6: Pens used for study (middle one is the stylus) Hindi corpus used:
The Hindi paragraph used for this user study was taken from the BBC’s Hindi news portal
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/hindi/news/020419_vajpayee_ac.shtml) and was modified a bit so that we could get all the
nuances of Hindi matras in the corpus.
Figure 7: Hindi Corpus
4.1.5 Evaluation method
Subjects’ hands written samples were collected and analyzed by measuring the base consonants and the modifiers
with help of digital calipers. Each subject’s consonants and Modifiers size were noted down and divided according
to the core strip, bottom strip and top strip.
Figure 8: Character study
4.1.6 Analysis
Out of the four data sets that were collected, the most appropriate pen size and paper size that resembled the Gesture
pad was 0.1 tip and 12mm diameter pen and A5 sized paper. So we analyzed this dataset and came out with the
recommendation for the key size. We took the final data set and divided it in three groups, namely Top, Core and