
Table of Baseband Measurement Spans (Hz)
(Fs) —>
32000 32768 40000 40960
number of
÷2 steps
with ÷5 without ÷5
with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5
0 2500 12500 2560 12800 3125 15625 3200 16000
1 1250 6250 1280 6400 1562.5 7812.5 1600 8000
2 625 3125 640 3200 781.25 3096.25 800 4000
3 312.5 1562.5 320 1600 390.625 1953.125 400 2000
4 156.25 781.25 160 800 195.3125 976.5625 200 1000
5 78.125 390.625 80 400 97.65625 488.2813 100 500
6 39.0625 195.3125 40 200 48.82813 244.1406 50 250
7 19.53125 97.65625 20 100 24.41406 122.0703 25 125
8 9.765625 48.828125 10 50 12.20703 61.03516 12.5 62.5
(Fs) —>
48000 50000 51200
number of
÷2 steps
with ÷5
without ÷5
with ÷5
without ÷5
with ÷5
without ÷5
0 3750 18750 3906.25 19531.25 4000 20000
1 1875 9375 1953.125 9765.625 2000 10000
2 937.5 4687.5 976.5625 4882.813 1000 5000
3 468.75 2343.75 488.2813 2441.406 500 2500
4 234.375 1175.875 244.1406 1220.703 250 1250
5 177.1875 585.9375 122.0703 610.3516 125 625
6 58.59375 292.9688 61.03516 305.1758 62.5 31.25
7 29.29688 146.4844 30.51758 152.5879 31.25 156.25
8 14.64844 73.24219 15.25879 76.29395 15.625 78.125
* For the top span the bandwidth is 1.15 times span shown.
HP E1432A User's Guide
Using the HP E1432A