
product support
This section contains support information including phone numbers and website
For regulatory information, see the regulatory_supplement.htm file on the CD that
comes with the scanner.
accessibility website
Customers with disabilities can get help by visiting www.hp.com/hpinfo/
hp scanjet website
Visit www.scanjet.hp.com for the following information:
tips for scanning more effectively and creatively
HP Scanjet driver updates and software
support process
The HP support process works most effectively if you perform the following steps
in the order specified:
1 Read the troubleshooting section of the User's Manual and review the
electronic help for the software and scanner.
2 Access the HP Support website. If you have access to the Internet, you can
obtain a wide range of information about your scanner. Visit the HP
website for product help, drivers, and software updates at www.hp.com/
support. Customer Care is available in the following languages: Dutch,
English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional
Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. (Danish, Finnish, and
Norwegian support information is available in English only.)
3 Access HP e-support. If you have access to the Internet, connect with HP via
e-mail by going to www.hp.com/support. Y,u eepvIa pr1(o)n-7.7(taor)2561(e)-3.32cy
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