
System Event Analyzer
2.3 SEA Known Issues
Rev. 9/8/06
Web-Based Enterprise Services Release Notes 2–23 Resuming from Standby Loses Network Resources in
A Microsoft bug in Windows XP Service Pack 2 may affect WEBES.
You resume your Microsoft Windows XP-based computer from standby while your network is
either disconnected or down. After network connectivity is restored, you lose access to your
network resources. Additionally, if your Windows XP-based computer is moved to a different
network while the computer is on standby, you lose access to network resources when you
resume the computer.
These problems may occur when all of the following conditions are true:
You have installed Microsoft XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) on the computer.
You use a smart card to log on to your computer.
Hotfix information - A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only
intended to correct the problem that is described in this article.
Check the following link for more information on the bug:
2.3.5 HP-UX SEA Issues
These issues apply to SEA on HP-UX: No Binary Event Log
HP-UX has no binary event log to analyze, like the log on Windows or OpenVMS. Because of
this, SEA currently offers no automatic analysis on HP-UX.
Without automatic analysis, many SEA functions such as Real-Time Monitoring and Full
View, and commands such as wsea test and wsea report, have no effect. In addition, SEA
never sends notifications because it does not process live events.
In the future, binary event log capability or analysis of other event logs may be added to the
HP-UX version of SEA.