Some lenses have extra characteristics that require further
explanation. For example, the autofocus range on the HC 4/120
Macro lens can be limited by a specic setting on the camera
allowing for near range, far range or full range. This only
appears on the grip display together with that particular lens.
Further information can be found in the "HC Lenses" data
booklet that accompanies each lens. The booklet can also be
downloaded from the Hasselblad website.
Also, see note here regarding HCD lenses!
Lens corrections can be applied when captures are imported
into Phocus. Guided by the information in the metadata
included with each individual capture, the DAC (digital lens
correction) tool uses lens-model specic calculations to adjust
for chromatic aberration, distortion and vignetting. Not only
model specications but also capture parameters are taken
into consideration for analysis.
This extremely capable renement of captures should not be
overlooked when processing les! See Phocus user manual for
The autofocus function is not possible with certain combina-
tions of lenses and accessories. However, a warning is displayed
which disappears after conrmation.
The True Focus function can also be combined with other auto-
focus modes for specic situations.
To expand your range of lenses, consider using a CF adapter
to allow you to use most of the lenses from the Hasselblad V-
For users who prefer manual focus control but would like the
benets of autofocus, one method is to set the AE-L button (or
any user button) to AF (Single) drive.
The main subject can then be centered and the AE-L pressed,
to ensure correct focus. The camera reverts immediately to
manual focus control when the button is released.
Therefore, you can recompose the picture without having
to maintain pressure on the release button in order to retain
the newly automatically made focus setting (AF-T can also be
HCD lenses were formulated for use with the smaller size
sensors in the H-series, resulting in a reduced coverage for
the larger sensors used in 60 Mpix models. So, if you use HCD
lenses, be aware of the restrictions (vignetting and diminished
quality at the edges).
As notication of this situation, an auto crop function is
employed and an HCD crop icon appears on the right hand
side of the viewnder display when an HCD lens is tted.
When in Phocus, however, the auto crop function can be turned
o in Preferences if you wish.