Item # Model Features / Description 1-9 Units 10+ Units
110097 AK-1 1 Station, 1 Lower Warmer $244 $215
101772 AK-2 2 Station, 1 Lower, 1 Upper $256 $227
101699 AK-2AS 2 Station, 1 Low, 1 Up, Auto Warmer Shut Off $292 $269
101879 AK-3 3 Station, 3 Lower $278 $258
101766 AK3-AS 3 Station, 3 Low, Auto Warmer Shut Off $303 $281
101767 AK-TC Thermal Carafe (64 oz), Included $258 $237
110345 AKAP Airpot $261 $243
101768 AK-LD Short Gravity Dispenser / Tall Carafe $269 $247
101771 AK-D Tall Gravity Dispenser $271 $251
AK Series Pour-over Brewers
Item # Model Features / Description 1-9 Units 10+ Units
110917-B ACE-LP 3 Station, 3 Lower, PDS Valve $454 $428
108071-B ACE-S 3 Station, 1 Lower, 2 Upper, PDS Valve $454 $428
108465-B ACE-TC Thermal Carafe (64oz), Included, PDS Valve $454 $428
108460-B ACE-LD Short Gravity Dispenser / Tall Carafe, PDS $454 $428
108450-B ACE-AP Airpot, PDS Valve $454 $428
108455-B ACE-D Tall Gravity Dispenser, PDS Valve $454 $428
ACE Series Automatic w/Faucet Brewers with PDS Flow Valve Technology
Item # Model Features / Description 1-9 Units 10+ Units
108000-B IA-LP 3 Station, 3 Lower, PDS Valve $490 $457
108180-B IA-S 3 Station, 1 Lower, 2 Upper, PDS Valve $490 $457
108025-B IA-TC Thermal Carafe (64oz), Included, PDS Valve $490 $457
108020-B IA-LD Short Gravity Dispenser / Tall Carafe, PDS $490 $457
108010-B IA-AP Airpot, PDS Valve $490 $457
108015-B IA-TD Tall Gravity Dispenser, PDS Valve $490 $457
ACE Intelli-Brew Automatic w/Faucet Brewers w/ Energy Savings & Warmer Shut Off
Item # Model Features / Description 1-9 Units 10+ Units
120780 ACE-TS Tall Thermal Carafe, 1.9-3.5L Airpots, Short & Tall Gravity Dispensers $506 $465
120730 FC-TS Tall Thermal Carafe, 1.9-3.5L Airpots, Short & Tall Gravity Dispensers $516 $475
Telescoping Units Automatic with Faucet Brewer, Telescoping Column
Item # Model Features / Description 1-9 Units 10+ Units
101891 FC-3 3 Station, 3 Lower $463 $432
101849 FC-3S 3 Station, 1 Lower, 2 Upper $463 $432
101894 FC-S Thermal Carafe (64oz), Included $463 $432
110090 FC-AP Airpot $463 $432
101893 FC-LD Short Gravity Dispenser / Tall Carafe $463 $432
101892 FC-TD Tall Gravity Dispenser $463 $432
121254 FC-5 5 Station, 3 Lower, 2 Upper $566 $535
FC Series Automatic with Faucet Brewers with Dump Valve Operation